Milagro Telecom
Premium Voice Services
MILAGRO offers a complete A to Z premium voice services. Ideal for fast deployment, quick revenue with highly competitive pricing, high QoS and alternative routing plans..
Voip Carrier Services
MILAGRO is focusing relentlessly on the high-growth areas of VoIP and retail market. We are providing integrated solutions that meet the evolving needs of our customers
A2P SMS Services
MILAGRO offers a complete “A to Z” SMS A2P services. Marketing messages and information alerts used by sectors including banking, tourism, healthcare and more..
WHO we are
MILAGRO, an international carrier offering high-quality voice and A2P SMS traffic worldwide. We provide and integrate a full range of global communication services. Our strategy is to unleash the power of the Internet to deliver the best solutions to people at home, in the workplace and on the move.
MILAGRO entertains all types of traffic for both origination and termination from A to Z wholesale destinations. Furthermore, MILAGRO network is monitored 24×7 by full time in our Network Operations Center, in order to maintain our high quality and continuity on daily basis. We provide real-time monitoring of quality metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in addition to immediate response to service outages. MILAGRO carries traffic to all possible destinations in the world, terminating calls into local PSTN and GSM networks.
It is very simple to start doing business with MILAGRO. Regardless if you are a big company with billions of minutes a month or a new startup in the Voice Market, a multi-national carrier or a small calling card provider, you will be satisfied with prices and quality of service that MILAGRO offers.
Our Services
Premium Voice Services
MILAGRO offers a complete A to Z premium voice services. Ideal for fast deployment, our A to Z voice solution allows quick revenue generation with highly competitive pricing, high QoS and alternative routing plans. With MILAGRO Offering premium voice services worldwide within record time is easier than ever.
Also MILAGRO is Supporting Standard voice Services with highest quality voice termination with higher-than-market-level Answer Seizure Ratio (ASR) and Network Effectiveness Ratio (NER), Fax for international voice traffic.
We provide International Voice Carrier services at the highest quality, based on advanced technological solutions.
Voip Carrier Services
MILAGRO is focusing relentlessly on the high-growth areas of VoIP and retail market. We are providing integrated solutions that anticipate and meet the evolving needs of our customers and exploit highly fragmented competition in the market place.
At MILAGRO, we operate advanced technology platforms using the latest VOIP and traditional TDM protocols and deliver a wide range of managed services, turn-key solutions and back office systems.
MILAGRO provides an easy and direct access to high quality and cost efficient VOIP routing. MILAGRO offers the ideal solution for A-Z termination VOIP services.
A2P SMS Services
MILAGRO offers a complete “A to Z” SMS A2P services. Marketing messages and information alerts used by sectors including banking, tourism, healthcare and entertainment.
SMS boasts multiple advantages for businesses compared to competing technologies, including having a global reach and a high engagement rate.
Mligarotel A2P Messaging is a messaging platform tailored to help operators to fully address the market opportunity provided by enterprise messaging.
We offer two ways of connecting to our SMS gateway – SMPP or HTTP.
Contact US
+228 93 07 07 12